• Are There Any TTRPG Gamer

    From jimmylogan@VERT/DIGDIST to The Wizard on Tue Mar 12 22:12:00 2024
    The Wizard wrote to All <=-

    I was wondering if there are any TTRPG gamers.....

    I usually play Old School Essentials and Basic Fantasy RPG. I have
    played MERPs/Rolemaster, Twighlight 2000, Price of Freedom, Star Frontiers, Boothill, and a few more.

    I have recently been playing Mark Hunts Tall Tales B/X and Gangbusters
    B/X as well....

    Don't play as much as I'd like, but I'm currently running a Spirit of 77 campaign every other Thursday for my high school group and my oldest

    Ran an FFG Star Wars for a few years. First one was TSR's Top Secret
    back in the day.

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  • From jimmylogan@VERT/DIGDIST to Innkeeper on Sat Jul 13 08:19:00 2024
    Innkeeper wrote to The Wizard <=-

    Re: Are There Any TTRPG Gamers Here?
    By: The Wizard to All on Sun Mar 03 2024 05:47:50

    I was wondering if there are any TTRPG gamers.....
    Man, I miss Star Frontiers. I still play, but mostly oddball rpgs, and just joined a PbP game of AD&D1e. Star Frontiers was one of my favorite settings. Right up there with Paranoia, which is just an incredible
    game entirely. "Oh bother," said Pooh, as he chambered another round.

    I don't do mailruns that often, so I don't know if I responded to the
    OP or not - I am, though not as much as I'd like. And I rarely get
    to play 'in person.'

    I do meet up via Google with my three high school buddies for a
    session infrequently - just because we can't all get clear
    schedules... I ran an FFG Star Wars game for years that way - currently
    we are playing Spirit of 77...

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  • From halian@VERT/ABINARY to The Wizard on Thu Jul 18 23:43:00 2024
    Not as much as I used to, mainly because the shine has come off of D&D 5/e for me recently. The mechanics just feel... Bleh. :(

    I've also previously played D&D 3.5/e (for which I
    homebrewed the main species of my soft sf/science fantasy worldbuilding project) and a little bit of BESM over forum (because the fanbase of a webcomic I read was really into it).

    I'm also interested in L5R, Classic Traveller (after I found a starter set at a local rummage sale), Coyote & Crow, and I had just remembered others, but now I forgot them. :(

    TBH, most of my tabletop gaming energy of late has gone into BattleTech. Love my plastic toy robots. :P

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